Update spring boot to v2.6.7
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This MR contains the following updates:
Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence |
org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-test (source) |
2.6.4 -> 2.6.7
org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-devtools (source) |
2.6.4 -> 2.6.7
org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-quartz (source) |
2.6.4 -> 2.6.7
org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-log4j2 (source) |
2.6.4 -> 2.6.7
org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web (source) |
2.6.4 -> 2.6.7
org.springframework.boot (source) |
2.6.4 -> 2.6.7
Release Notes
:lady_beetle: Bug Fixes
- bootBuildInfo fails with a NullPointerException when an additional property has a null value #30670
(webEnvironment = WebEnvironment.NONE) is overridden by spring.main.web-application-type in application.properties #30666 - Spring Boot does not respect WebApplicationType.REACTIVE in tests with a mock web environment #30664
- NullPointerException is thrown when accessing /actuator/configprops if a class annotated with both
has a static@Bean
method #30581 - ApplicationAvailabilityBean is not thread-safe #30553
- Incorrect Neo4j username property replacement hint by spring-boot-properties-migrator #30551
- Add Tomcat locale mapping for Japanese to preserve UTF-8 charset #30541


- Update doc samples to reflect AdoptOpenJDK move to the Eclipse Foundation #30749
- Fix incorrect link in kafka.adoc #30674
- Move Jetty 9 specific exclusions to the correct dependency #30583
- Add missing configuration metadata for "management.endpoint.health.probes.add-additional-paths" #30562
- Update list of default internal proxies in Web Server howto #30544
- Polish documentation #30526

Dependency Upgrades

- Upgrade to AppEngine SDK 1.9.96 #30682
- Upgrade to Hibernate 5.6.8.Final #30683
- Upgrade to Jackson #30743
- Upgrade to Janino 3.1.7 #30755
- Upgrade to Jetty 9.4.46.v20220331 #30684
- Upgrade to Kotlin 1.6.21 #30756
- Upgrade to Lombok 1.18.24 #30757
- Upgrade to Micrometer 1.8.5 #30597
- Upgrade to Netty 4.1.76.Final #30686
- Upgrade to Pooled JMS 1.2.4 #30687
- Upgrade to Postgresql 42.3.4 #30758
- Upgrade to Reactor 2020.0.18 #30596
- Upgrade to RSocket 1.1.2 #30688
- Upgrade to Spring AMQP 2.4.4 #30701
- Upgrade to Spring Data 2021.1.4 #30602
- Upgrade to Spring Framework 5.3.19 #30517
- Upgrade to Spring HATEOAS 1.4.2 #30744
- Upgrade to Spring Integration 5.5.11 #30702
- Upgrade to Spring Kafka 2.8.5 #30600
- Upgrade to Spring LDAP 2.3.7 #30598
- Upgrade to Spring Retry 1.3.3 #30599
- Upgrade to Spring Security 5.6.3 #30601
- Upgrade to Spring Session 2021.1.3 #30603
- Upgrade to Tomcat 9.0.62 #30689
- Upgrade to Undertow 2.2.17.Final #30690


We'd like to thank all the contributors who worked on this release!
- @chessvivek
- @rfigueroa
- @izeye
- @jprinet
- @qxo
- @dalbani
- @luozhenyu
- @chanhyeong
- @dugenkui03
- @chrisrhut
- @terminux
:lady_beetle: Bug Fixes
- MustacheAutoConfiguration in a Servlet web application fails with a ClassNotFoundException when Spring MVC is not on the classpath #30475


- Javadoc of org.springframework.boot.gradle.plugin.ResolveMainClassName.setClasspath(Object) is inaccurate #30469
- Document that
can be used on a record component #30465 - Remove redundant Javadoc #30446

Dependency Upgrades


We'd like to thank all the contributors who worked on this release!


- This release upgrades to Kafka 3.0.1 which enables idempotence by default. See the updated Spring Boot 2.6 release notes for further details.

New Features

- Add EIGHTEEN to JavaVersion enum #30132
:lady_beetle: Bug Fixes
- ConfigurationPropertyName#equals is not symmetric when adapt has removed trailing characters from an element #30392
- Thymeleaf auto-configuration in a reactive application can fail due to duplicate templateEngine beans #30385
- server.tomcat.keep-alive-timeout is not applied to HTTP/2 #30321
- Setting spring.mustache.enabled to false has no effect #30256
- bootWar is configured eagerly #30213
- Actuator
on Flux cancels request after first element emitted #30161 - Unnecessary allocations in Prometheus scraping endpoint #30125
- No metrics are bound for R2DBC ConnectionPools that have been wrapped #30100
- Condition evaluation report entry for a
that does not match due to multiple primary beans isn't as clear as it could be #30098 - Generated password are logged without an "unsuitable for production use" note #30070
- Dependency management for Netty tcNative is incomplete leading to possible version conflicts #30038
- Files in META-INF are not found when deploying a Gradle-built executable war to a servlet container #30036
- Dependency management for Apache Kafka is incomplete #30031
- spring-boot-configuration-processor fails compilation due to
with a long value and generates invalid metadata for byte and short properties with out-of-range default values #30022


- Add Apache Kafka to the description of the Messaging section #30389
- Default value of spring.thymeleaf.reactive.media-types is not documented #30387
- Clarify type matching that is performed when using
#30382 - Fix links to Spring Security Reference Guide in Accessing the H2 Console in a Secured Application #30349
- Document how to access the H2 Console in a secured web application #30346
- Add Netty in "Enable HTTP Response Compression" #30344
- Fix JsonSerializer example in reference guide #30330
- WebSockets section missing in reference guide #30231
- Include default Dev Tools properties in the reference documentation #30166
- Document the WebSocket-related exclusions that are required to use Jetty 10 #30149
- Fix typo #30120
- Add documentation for spring.profiles.include #30114
- Document when config data properties are invalid #30113
- Document the scalar types supported by MapBinder #30111
- Document how to rely on ServletContext with an embedded container setup #30109
- Anchor tag for Spring HATEOAS does not redirect properly #30106
- Clarify that build plugins or the CLI does not have an auto-compile feature #30093
- Document how to structure configurations so that
methods are included in slice tests #30091 - Remove non-existent spring.data.cassandra.connection.connection-timeout property from the documentation #30080
- Clarify actuator security documentation #30065
- Use Gradle's task configuration avoidance APIs in the main reference docs #30059
- Use Gradle's task configuration avoidance APIs in the Gradle Plugin's reference docs #30057
- Improve property placeholder documentation to mention environment variables and default values #30050
- Polish web examples in reference doc #30048
- Add links to Spring Boot for Apache Geode to the reference documentation #30018
- Document plugging in custom sanitisation rules with a SanitizingFunction bean #29950

Dependency Upgrades

- Upgrade to Couchbase Client 3.2.6 #30237
- Upgrade to Dropwizard Metrics 4.2.9 #30238
- Upgrade to Groovy 3.0.10 #30239
- Upgrade to Hibernate 5.6.7.Final #30338
- Upgrade to Hibernate Validator 6.2.3.Final #30241
- Upgrade to Jackson Bom 2.13.2 #30242
- Upgrade to Kafka 3.0.1 #30243
- Upgrade to Lettuce 6.1.8.RELEASE #30339
- Upgrade to Log4j2 2.17.2 #30244
- Upgrade to Logback 1.2.11 #30245
- Upgrade to Micrometer 1.8.4 #30178
- Upgrade to Neo4j Java Driver 4.4.5 #30326
- Upgrade to Netty 4.1.75.Final #30246
- Upgrade to Netty tcNative 2.0.51.Final #30247
- Upgrade to R2DBC Bom Arabba-SR13 #30340
- Upgrade to Reactor 2020.0.17 #30176
- Upgrade to Spring AMQP 2.4.3 #30180
- Upgrade to Spring Data 2021.1.3 #30179
- Upgrade to Spring Framework 5.3.17 #30177
- Upgrade to Spring Integration 5.5.10 #30183
- Upgrade to Spring Kafka 2.8.4 #30181
- Upgrade to Spring Retry 1.3.2 #30248
- Upgrade to Spring WS 3.1.3 #30182
- Upgrade to Tomcat 9.0.60 #30249


We'd like to thank all the contributors who worked on this release!
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- May 04, 2022