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Let Them Trade Map Maker

ltt-mapmaker is a visual map maker for the game Let Them Trade by Spaceflower, a german indie-gamestudio.

Using lttmm

Simply click on a button in the center of a tile and select the tile you want it to change to. Do so for the whole map. After your map looks good to you, hit the "DOWNLOAD MAP"-button in the top-right. This will generate a .json-file and download it which will contain your configuration as a Let Them Trade map.


  • Add infobutton/box telling users how to load their maps in-game (so far only relevant for playtests) map fromfile - Opens a "Open file"-dialog
  • Figure out how to generate random maps (very low on the priority list)
  • Allow users to set the size of the map

Deploying lttmm

If you wish to manually deploy lttmm, download the latest lttmm-x.x.x.tar.gz or from the Releases page and use these files to deploy it. I expect you to know how to deploy these files with NGINX or similar software, as providing a complete guide on how to do so would blow up the README.



Create a docker-compose.yml-file in your preferred location and add the following to it after editing it to your liking:

version: '3'
    container_name: ltt-mapmaker
    restart: unless-stopped
      - TZ=Europe/Berlin # Your Timezone
      - PUID=1000 # Your user ID
      - PGID=1000 # your group ID
      - 80:80
      - 443:443

After running docker-compose up -d, lttmm will be available at localhost:80 and localhost:443.

Docker run

Run the following command, after editing it to your liking:

docker create \
  --name=ltt-mapmaker \
  -e TZ=Europe/Berlin `# Your Timezone` \
  -e PUID=1000 `# Your user ID` \
  -e PGID=1000 `# Your group ID` \
  -p 80:80 \
  -p 443:443 \
  --restart unless-stopped \

After running the command above, lttmm will be available at localhost:80 and localhost:443.

Making changes

If you wish to make changes, simply clone this repository, install the dependencies with npm install, start the app in development mode (hot-code reloading, error reporting, etc.) with quasar dev and make your changes, lint the files npm run lint, build the app for production with quasar build.

Expanding tiles

Should Let Them Trade ever introduce more tiles to the game, a couple of things need to be done in order to expand lttmm with those new tiles. Edit Tile.vue:

Here's what the item for the barren-tile looks like. If you wish to add a new item, copy'n'paste this and change

  • change barren in @click="barren" to the name of the new tile
  • create the icon for the new tile and change barren in <img src="~assets/tiles/barren.webp"/> to the name of the new tile
    • images are of the webp-format and 55x55 pixels in size.
    • images for item-selection go into src/assets/tiles
  • change Barren in <q-item-label>Barren</q-item-label> to the name of the new tile
        <q-item clickable v-close-popup @click="barren">
          <q-item-section avatar>
              <img src="~assets/tiles/barren.webp"/>

After that is done, you need to add a new method for said new tile. Copy'n'paste this from the methods: {-section and change

  • change barren in the name of the method barren () { to the name of the new tile
  • change Barren in console.log('Clicked on Barren'); to the name of the new tile
  • change barren in this.label = 'barren'; to the name of the new tile
  • change brown-6 in this.color = 'brown-6'; to a suitable Quasar colour of the new tile. This is the button colour.
  • change white in this.textcolor = 'white'; to black if this.color of the new tile is bright, improves readability
  • change /barren_tile.webp in this.backgroundImage = 'background-image: url(/tiles/barren_tile.webp);' to a suitable image of the new tile
    • images are of the webp-format and usually ~50x57 pixels in size
    • images for tiles to into public/tiles
    barren () {
  console.log('Clicked on Barren');
  this.label = 'barren';
  this.color = 'brown-6';
  this.textcolor = 'white';
  this.backgroundImage = 'background-image: url(/tiles/barren_tile.webp);'

Congratulations! You've added a new tile to lttmm!

Expanding/changing random map names

If you wish to expand/change the random name generator, edit const reticulating and/or getMapName() in the MainLayout.vue.

Other things to note

Hexagon-shaped tiles would not have been possible without the help of this awesome tool available at csshexagon on by the awesome brenna.