I'm trying to figure out how to set the root for the IDE though. It seems to default to /app/ICEcoder. You can then set a subfolder of that as your root, but how do you change it from /app/ICEcoder to something else?
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thanks for your question.
I've just tested it with the /code directory, which is not a subfolder of /app/ICEcoder and it seems to work just fine.
So, if I understand you correctly, you don't need to specify a subfolder of ICEcoder, but can instead choose any directory in the container. That directory should be either one of the directories specified in the deployment section, or a subfolder of these. The reason for that being that these directories have their permissions and ownership set everytime the container starts, ensuring file access between host and container.
That being said, you could set your file manager root to /code/derekoharrow as an example. Note: Testing showed that you need to create the directory either via CLI or in ICEcoder, otherwise the right-click context menu won't work for some strange reason, and therefor not allow you to create files.
Thanks, but the setting of ownership causes me problems as it tries to set the owner on thousands of files, which can cause problems with other containers and takes ages to start up.
Ideally, I'd like to have another folder under there that I can mount for editing files. I suspect that would mean changing your startup scripts.
In that case, you could try mounting a volume like path/to/derekoharrow:/derekoharrow, set the permissions and ownership once and use that folder going forward. Since it's mounted, it's not lost when recreating the container and as it's not touched by the container configuration, it doesn't impact startup time.
In that case, you could try mounting a volume like path/to/derekoharrow:/derekoharrow, set the permissions and ownership once and use that folder going forward. Since it's mounted, it's not lost when recreating the container and as it's not touched by the container configuration, it doesn't impact startup time.
I've tried this and while the mount point is visible within the container, it doesn't show up in ICEcoder at all as it's not under the docRoot /app/ICEcoder
Yep, you're correct. I misinterpreted the way ICEcoder handles the file manager. The highest you can go with it is /app/ICEcoder. No wonder no directories or files show up when I set it to /griefed even though I've mounted a folder to said location and put a testfile in it. I honestly believed you could set the file manager to any directory. Huh.
So, the way I see it, there are two solutions to this, one of which is a workaround and not permanent.
1: Workaround, symlinking the mounted directory to /app/ICEcoder/, won't survive container recreation
Mount a volume to your desired directory e.g. path/on/host:/derekoharrow
Exec into the container using docker exec -it icecoder /bin/bash
Create a symlink from the directory to /app/ICEcoder ln -s /derekoharrow /app/ICEcoder/derekoharrow
Set the ICEcoder file manager to /derekoharrow
Files and directories will not be touched by the ownership and permission scripts which are executed when starting the container, but you will have access to your files in the directory.
2: Customize the image
Clone the repo
Create and edit root/etc/cont-init.d/61-config and add the following:
Build the image with a mount set to :/derekoharrow
Set the ICEcoder file manager to /derekoharrow
The symlink now always exists but the files aren't touched be ownership or permission checks as inside /app/ICEcoder/derekoharrow is just a symlink and chown -R doesn't follow it, neither does chmod -R.
I'll probably implement the suggestion as a change to the directory where the, if specified, git repo will be cloned to, the one specified with -e GITURL=https://github.com/icecoder/ICEcoder.git
Glad I could help you out. I'll close this issue. If you have further suggestions either reopen or create a new issue.
Finally got around to implement, test, push etc. etc. your suggestion!
It's now available via the latest-tag. I've changed the way the /code directory is handled and it can now be safely used as your file manager root directory. It shouldn't slow down container start anymore as the permission passes don't affect it during container start.
Let me know if anything else pops up!