# 1. The reason for allowing ServerPackCreator to run addons:
Some people need additional functionality for their server packs, or have some additional wishes for them. Some of those
@@ -89,21 +97,25 @@ Some examples for addons can be found [in this discussion thread](https://github
Some excerpts:
1. Changelog generator, by @TheButterbrotMan at [Feature request]: Changelog generator #198
- A changelog generator that checks the differences to the previous version and generates a changelog.
- A changelog generator that checks the differences to the previous version and generates a changelog.
2. Bundle Adoptium Java with server packs, by @kreezxil at [Feature request]: Bundle Adoptium Java #199
- Because modpacks need one of the either Java 8, 16, or 17, it would be nice to have the corresponding https://adoptium.net java prebundled with the server pack.
- Because modpacks need one of the either Java 8, 16, or 17, it would be nice to have the corresponding https://adoptium.net java prebundled with the server pack.
3. Automatic setup of a server pack for [BlueMap](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/bluemap)
- Check all mods in the specified modpacks mods-directory for textures, and if any are found, add the mod to
BlueMap's resourcepack folder `config/bluemap/resourcepacks`, install BlueMap for the specified Minecraft and Forge/Fabric
version and voilà!
- Check all mods in the specified modpacks mods-directory for textures, and if any are found, add the mod to
BlueMap's resourcepack folder `config/bluemap/resourcepacks`, install BlueMap for the specified Minecraft and Forge/Fabric
version and voilà!
# 2. How
During the start of ServerPackCreator, all plugins are loaded and started. If you have anything you need to run then and there,
use `public void start() {...}` and do your thing.
For documentation about Pf4j, visit https://pf4j.org/
If you have ideas and/or suggestions for improvements to the addon-system in ServerPackCreator, open an improvement-issue over at the ServerPackCreator [issues page](https://github.com/Griefed/ServerPackCreator/issues/new?assignees=Griefed&labels=enhancement&template=improvement.yml&title=%5BImprovement+request%5D%3A+)
## 2.1 Extensions
One plugin can have multiple extensions.
@@ -136,6 +148,8 @@ along with a small description, if you provided one.
| [ExampleAddon](https://github.com/Griefed/ServerPackCreatorExampleAddon) | Griefed | An example addon providing a starting point for addon development. |
| [ExampleAddon](https://github.com/Griefed/ServerPackCreatorExampleAddon) | Griefed | An example addon providing a starting point for addon development. |
| [ExampleAddon Alternative Extension Declaration](https://github.com/Griefed/ServerPackCreatorExampleAddon/tree/alternativeExtensionDeclaration) | Griefed | An example addon providing a starting point for addon development. This addon provides an example for a different way of declaring extensions as well as reading entries from the plugins manifest. |
| [Example MiniGame](https://github.com/Griefed/ServerPackCreatorExampleAddon/tree/tetris) | Griefed | Play Tetris in a new window whilst your server packs generate! |