## [1.0.0]( (2021-08-01)
### 📔 Docs
* Add issue templates ([360e4f4](
### 🦊 CI/CD
* Add CI/CD configuration files and dependency checker configuration ([3ec18fb](
* GitHub workflows for documentation, release mirroring from GitLab upon tag push, greetings and sponsor labels for issues ([b2d98f4](
* Remove folder from artifacts which is not generated by this repo anyway ([5d8cf86](
### 🛠 Fixes
* Add gradlew script files. Whoops. ([37eaea9](
### Other
* Add funding info ([ad0a1a6](
* Add Gradle plugin maven publish for versioning and publishing to GitHub package registry ([97f13ba](
* Update table of addons with link to GitHub project of example ([c3410ba](