diff --git a/Dockerfile.aarch64 b/Dockerfile.aarch64
deleted file mode 100644
index 7fda38ff6a46f7b21fde40e9f35de3520b6599d9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Dockerfile.aarch64
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-FROM lsiobase/nginx:3.12
-FROM lsiobase/alpine:3.12
-FROM lsiobase/ubuntu:bionic
-FROM lsiobase/rdesktop:focal
-FROM lsiobase/mono:LTS
-# Add qemu to build on x86_64 systems
-COPY qemu-aarch64-static /usr/bin
-RUN \
-        echo "**** install dependencies and build tools and stuff ****" && \
-        apk add --no-cache \
-						git && \
-				###
-				###
-				echo "**** clone app repository ****" && \
-						git clone -b \
-								GITURL \
-								/app/APPNAME && \
-				echo "**** install app, for example with npm ****" && \
-						cd /app/APPNAME && \
-						npm install && \
-						npm run-script build && \
-				echo "**** delete unneeded packages and stuff ****" && \
-				apk del --purge \
-								git && \
-				rm -rf \
-								/root/.cache \
-								/tmp/*
-# Copy local files
-COPY root/ /
-# Communicate ports and volumes to be used
-VOLUME /config /data
-## NOTES ##
-## Delete files\folders not needed
-## The User abc, should be running everything, give that permission in any case you need it.
-## When creating init's Use 10's where posible, its to allow add stuff in between when needed. also, do not be afraid to split custom code into several little ones.
-## user abc and folders /app /config /defaults are all created by baseimage
-## the first available init script is 30<your script>
-## you can comment the beginning of each new RUN block but you cannot comment between commands in each RUN block.