diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index c64ecd63674a39c61aac0539a7f0cfc68b69a61a..af21bde185724a1783194a4daab0c3c9c9147583 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-# [D-Zone](https://github.com/d-zone-org/d-zone)
-https://github.com/d-zone-org/d-zone in a container!
 [![Docker Pulls](https://img.shields.io/docker/pulls/griefed/d-zone?style=flat-square)](https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/griefed/d-zone)
 [![Docker Image Size (latest by date)](https://img.shields.io/docker/image-size/griefed/d-zone?label=Image%20size&sort=date&style=flat-square)](https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/griefed/d-zone)
@@ -8,17 +7,16 @@ https://github.com/d-zone-org/d-zone in a container!
 [![GitHub Repo stars](https://img.shields.io/github/stars/Griefed/docker-D-Zone?label=GitHub%20Stars&style=social)](https://github.com/Griefed/docker-D-Zone)
 [![GitHub forks](https://img.shields.io/github/forks/Griefed/docker-D-Zone?label=GitHub%20Forks&style=social)](https://github.com/Griefed/docker-D-Zone)
-Creates a Container which runs the heroku branch of [D-Zone-Org's](https://github.com/d-zone-org) [D-Zone](https://github.com/d-zone-org/d-zone), with [lsiobase/alpine](https://hub.docker.com/r/lsiobase/alpine) as the base image, as seen on https://pixelatomy.com/dzone/?s=default. 
+D-Zone is a graphical simulation meant to abstractly represent the activity in your Discord server.
-The lasiobase/alpine image is a custom base image built with [Alpine linux](https://alpinelinux.org/) and [S6 overlay](https://github.com/just-containers/s6-overlay).
-Using this image allows us to use the same user/group ids in the container as on the host, making file transfers much easier
+This is not meant for any actual monitoring or diagnostics, only an experiment in the abstraction of chatroom data represented via autonomous characters in a scene.
-# Work In Progress!
-D-Zone is a graphical simulation meant to abstractly represent the activity in your Discord server.
+Creates a Container which runs [D-Zone-Org's](https://github.com/d-zone-org) [D-Zone](https://github.com/d-zone-org/d-zone), with [lsiobase/alpine](https://hub.docker.com/r/lsiobase/alpine) as the base image, as seen on https://pixelatomy.com/dzone/?s=default. 
-This is not meant for any actual monitoring or diagnostics, only an experiment in the abstraction of chatroom data represented via autonomous characters in a scene.
+The lasiobase/alpine image is a custom base image built with [Alpine linux](https://alpinelinux.org/) and [S6 overlay](https://github.com/just-containers/s6-overlay).
+Using this image allows us to use the same user/group ids in the container as on the host, making file transfers much easier
 ## Deployment
@@ -46,39 +44,6 @@ services:
       - 3000:3000  # using the port tag
-### Raspberry Pi & building the image yourself
-Using the [Dockerfile.port](https://github.com/Griefed/docker-D-Zone/blob/lsiobase/alpine/Dockerfile.port), this container can be built and run on a Raspberry Pi. 
-I've tested it on a Raspberry Pi 3B & 3B+.
-#### docker-compose.yml
-version: '3.6'
-  d-zone:
-    container_name: d-zone
-    build: ./d-zone/
-    restart: unless-stopped
-    volumes:
-      - ./path/to/config/files:/config
-    environment:
-      - TZ=Europe/Berlin
-      - PUID=1000  #User ID
-      - PGID=1000  #Group ID
-    ports:
-      - 3000:3000
-1. Clone the repository: `git clone https://github.com/Griefed/docker-D-Zone.git ./d-zone`
-1. Rename **Dockerfile.port** to **Dockerfile**: `mv Dockerfile.port Dockerfile`
-1. Prepare docker-compose.yml file as seen above
-1. `docker-compose up -d --build d-zone`
-1. Visit IP.ADDRESS.OF.HOST:3000
-1. ???
-1. Profit!
 ## Configuration
 Configuration | Explanation
@@ -185,4 +150,37 @@ server {
+### Raspberry Pi & building the image yourself
+Using the [Dockerfile.port](https://github.com/Griefed/docker-D-Zone/blob/lsiobase/alpine/Dockerfile.port), this container can be built and run on a Raspberry Pi. 
+I've tested it on a Raspberry Pi 3B & 3B+.
+#### docker-compose.yml
+version: '3.6'
+  d-zone:
+    container_name: d-zone
+    build: ./d-zone/
+    restart: unless-stopped
+    volumes:
+      - ./path/to/config/files:/config
+    environment:
+      - TZ=Europe/Berlin
+      - PUID=1000  #User ID
+      - PGID=1000  #Group ID
+    ports:
+      - 3000:3000
+1. Clone the repository: `git clone https://github.com/Griefed/docker-D-Zone.git ./d-zone`
+1. Rename **Dockerfile.port** to **Dockerfile**: `mv Dockerfile.port Dockerfile`
+1. Prepare docker-compose.yml file as seen above
+1. `docker-compose up -d --build d-zone`
+1. Visit IP.ADDRESS.OF.HOST:3000
+1. ???
+1. Profit!