docker-D-Zone in a container!
Creates a Container which runs the v1/docker Branch of D-Zone-Org's D-Zone, with node:8-alpine as the base image, as seen on
Deploy with docker-compose:
container_name: d-zone
image: griefed/d-zone
restart: unless-stopped
- 3000:3000
Deploy on Rasbperry Pi
Using the Dockerfile, this container can be built and run on a Raspberry Pi, too! I've tested it on a Raspberry Pi 3B+.
Simply put the Dockerfile in a directory called d-zone
in the same directory as your docker-compose.yml, edit your docker-compose.yml:
container_name: d-zone
build: ./d-zone/
restart: unless-stopped
- 3000:3000
Then build with:
docker-compose up -d --build d-zone
D-Zone will, by default, listen to all channels on the servers which your bot is connected to. If you want to set ignoreChannels, you need to edit a file in your D-Zone container:
- docker exec into the container:
docker exec -it d-zone /bin/sh
- Install NANO as our text editor: ´apk add nano´
- Open discord-config.json in NANO:
nano discord-config.json
- Edit the "servers" block on a per server basis, e.g.:
"servers": [
"default": true,
followed by Y
followed by ENTER
to safe and quit NANO. Enter exit
to leave the container and restart the container with docker restart d-zone
This tutorial assumes that your bot is only a member of one server. If you want to define multiple server, see
Note 2
As far as I know there is currently no way to use a reverse proxy like nginx to serve this container with HTTPS. I've tried a lot of things mentioned here and none of them worked. If you find a way to serve this container with nginx and HTTPS, please open an issue explain how you did it, because I sure as hell didn't get it to work.