From 6c7d3a583517b7063865cf59c0005f8e425c6aad Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Griefed <>
Date: Mon, 2 Aug 2021 21:01:37 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] chore: Add example output produces by this example addon when
 using it with a dev build of ServerPackCreator 3.x.x

--- | 29 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 29 insertions(+)

diff --git a/ b/
index 326418b..f72187c 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -7,6 +7,35 @@ operations and more customization of server packs. Users are free to write their
 This example provides JavaDocs and tests.
+Using this example with a [dev-build of ServerPackCreator]( would result in the following output to the addons.log file:
+2021-08-02T20:53:28,077 DEBUG [pool-2-thread-1] ( - Addon work-directory is: work\temp\serverpackcreatorexampleaddon
+2021-08-02T20:53:28,077 DEBUG [pool-2-thread-1] ( - ProcessBuilder command is: [C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.8.0_291/bin/java.exe, -jar, C:/Minecraft/ServerPackCreator/addons/serverpackcreatorexampleaddon.jar, C:/Minecraft/Game/Instances/Survive Create Prosper 4 1.16.5, AmbientSounds, BackTools, BetterAdvancement, BetterFoliage, BetterPing, BetterPlacement, Blur, cherished, ClientTweaks, Controlling, customdiscordrpc, CustomMainMenu, DefaultOptions, durability, DynamicSurroundings, FullscreenWindowed, iemzoom, jeiintegration, jei-professions, JustEnoughResources, keywizard, modnametooltip, MouseTweaks, multihotbar-, Neat, OldJavaWarning, PackMenu, prciseblockplacing, ResourceLoader, SimpleDiscordRichPresence, SpawnerFix, timestamps, TipTheScales, WorldNameRandomizer, config, defaultconfigs, mods, scripts, seeds, C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.8.0_291/bin/java.exe, 1.16.5, Forge, 36.2.2, true, true, true, true, true, C:/Minecraft/ServerPackCreator]
+2021-08-02T20:53:28,255  INFO [pool-2-thread-1] ( - We have recieved the following configuration: [C:/Minecraft/Game/Instances/Survive Create Prosper 4 1.16.5, AmbientSounds, BackTools, BetterAdvancement, BetterFoliage, BetterPing, BetterPlacement, Blur, cherished, ClientTweaks, Controlling, customdiscordrpc, CustomMainMenu, DefaultOptions, durability, DynamicSurroundings, FullscreenWindowed, iemzoom, jeiintegration, jei-professions, JustEnoughResources, keywizard, modnametooltip, MouseTweaks, multihotbar-, Neat, OldJavaWarning, PackMenu, prciseblockplacing, ResourceLoader, SimpleDiscordRichPresence, SpawnerFix, timestamps, TipTheScales, WorldNameRandomizer, config, defaultconfigs, mods, scripts, seeds, C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.8.0_291/bin/java.exe, 1.16.5, Forge, 36.2.2, true, true, true, true, true, C:/Minecraft/ServerPackCreator]
+2021-08-02T20:53:28,256  INFO [pool-2-thread-1] ( - 
+2021-08-02T20:53:28,256  INFO [pool-2-thread-1] ( - Configuration passed from ServerPackCreator, processed and now usable however we wish.
+2021-08-02T20:53:28,256  INFO [pool-2-thread-1] ( - 
+2021-08-02T20:53:28,256  INFO [pool-2-thread-1] ( - Modpack directory:                                 C:/Minecraft/Game/Instances/Survive Create Prosper 4 1.16.5
+2021-08-02T20:53:28,256  INFO [pool-2-thread-1] ( - Clientside-only mods:                              [AmbientSounds, BackTools, BetterAdvancement, BetterFoliage, BetterPing, BetterPlacement, Blur, cherished, ClientTweaks, Controlling, customdiscordrpc, CustomMainMenu, DefaultOptions, durability, DynamicSurroundings, FullscreenWindowed, iemzoom, jeiintegration, jei-professions, JustEnoughResources, keywizard, modnametooltip, MouseTweaks, multihotbar-, Neat, OldJavaWarning, PackMenu, prciseblockplacing, ResourceLoader, SimpleDiscordRichPresence, SpawnerFix, timestamps, TipTheScales, WorldNameRandomizer]
+2021-08-02T20:53:28,256  INFO [pool-2-thread-1] ( - Directories to copy to server pack:                [config, defaultconfigs, mods, scripts, seeds]
+2021-08-02T20:53:28,256  INFO [pool-2-thread-1] ( - Path to Java installation:                         C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.8.0_291/bin/java.exe
+2021-08-02T20:53:28,256  INFO [pool-2-thread-1] ( - Minecraft version:                                 1.16.5
+2021-08-02T20:53:28,256  INFO [pool-2-thread-1] ( - Specified modloader:                               Forge
+2021-08-02T20:53:28,256  INFO [pool-2-thread-1] ( - Specified modloader version:                       36.2.2
+2021-08-02T20:53:28,256  INFO [pool-2-thread-1] ( - Whether to install the modloader server:           true
+2021-08-02T20:53:28,256  INFO [pool-2-thread-1] ( - Whether to copy the server-icon.png:               true
+2021-08-02T20:53:28,256  INFO [pool-2-thread-1] ( - Whether to copy the             true
+2021-08-02T20:53:28,256  INFO [pool-2-thread-1] ( - Whether to copy the start scripts:                 true
+2021-08-02T20:53:28,256  INFO [pool-2-thread-1] ( - Whether to create a ZIP-archive of the server pack:true
+2021-08-02T20:53:28,256  INFO [pool-2-thread-1] ( - 
+2021-08-02T20:53:28,256  INFO [pool-2-thread-1] ( - Example addon configuration for someconfig:        This is an example for working with the addon.conf-file.
+2021-08-02T20:53:28,256  INFO [pool-2-thread-1] ( - 
+2021-08-02T20:53:28,256  INFO [pool-2-thread-1] ( - Base path for ServerPackCreator:                   C:/Minecraft/ServerPackCreator
+2021-08-02T20:53:28,259  INFO [pool-2-thread-1] ( - All addons executed. Returning to ServerPackCreator.
 # 1. The reason for allowing ServerPackCreator to run addons:
 There are things which people want to do with their server packs which could most certainly be automated. Some of those